There have been numerous studies to aid us in knowing how to conceive boys.
By fully grasping the details of fertilization you will be better able to conceive a baby boy. It is important to know that there are several factors that can be modified for the couple to be able to produce male offspring. One must be aware of the issue of infertility which has many biological causes but some can be treated with medical intervention. Treatment depends on the cause of infertility but may include fertility treatments. One medical device to aid in conception consists of cervical caps for insemination of male sperm (how to make a boy baby naturally). This at home method allows all the semen to be positioned against the cervical area for six hours which makes conception of a boy far more probable. Fertility medications may be prescribed if conception is not occurring even though both the spermatozoa and the reproductive organs are healthy. Intrauterine insemination is another method that a doctor can perform to help you make a male baby. If conservative medical treatments fail to achieve a full term pregnancy the physician may suggest the patient undergo in vitro fertilization of male sperm.
Studies have shown that if you consume a diet of higher calories the likelihood of getting pregnant with a boy is higher

Studies have shown that if you consume a diet of higher calories the likelihood of getting pregnant with a boy is higher
A study that focused on this subject was completed by the Universities of Exeter and Oxford and involved 740 newly pregnant British women. The eating habits of the women before they were pregnant and during were well documented for this study. Using this data it was determined that women who ate the most calories around the time of conception delivered more boys with 56% of the test subjects giving birth to male babies. Scientists already know that in many animals more males are produced when a mother has plentiful resources or is high ranking. Over the last 40 years there has been a small but consistent decline in the proportion of boys being born in industrialized countries ( The decreased birth of males may have to do with the lesser intake of calories in these industrialized nations. Women in these countries lead sedentary lifestyles and instead of exercising tend to skip meals to prevent obesity. Irregular eating habits can cause the body to think it is a time of starvation and to develop a female embryo during times of hardship. Pregnant women must increase their usual daily calorie intake by at least 400 calories to conceive baby boys.
Have a baby boy naturally and easily by learning about the development of sperm
While spermatozoa production is one part of the male reproductive system the other part is depositing Y chromosome sperm into a woman’s vaginal tract. Once sperm has reached maturation they will move into the epididymis where they will be able to move after one day. Before intercourse the penis fills with blood and becomes erect and eventually the ejaculatory process begins. First the mature sperm travel from the epididymis through the vas deferens that is a narrow tube about 18 inches long. Passing through the vas deferens and entering the urethra the spermatozoa are provided with fructose fluid that makes up most of the volume of the man’s ejaculate fluid (naturally conceive a boy). Because the vagina is naturally acidic the seminal fluid that is combined with spermatozoa contains alkalines to help them survive. Journeying towards the urethra the seminal liquid is propelled past the prostrate gland. The prostatic fluid added by the prostrate gland helps the Y chromosome spermatozoa swim faster which is important for getting to the ovum cell. When a man ejaculates about a teaspoon of semen is ejected out through the far end of the urethra at the end of the penis. Only one to ten sperm out of every 14 million spermatozoa deposited naturally in to the vagina will reach the end of the fallopian tube.