How you can be sure to get pregnant with a male baby without invasive medical procedures
To have a male baby depends on the right timing of sexual contact. There is a system known as the Shettles’ method that is based on scientific evidence for gender selection. This approach is based on the idea that by timing sexual contact with the specific moment of ovulation you can sway the baby’s gender. Sperm carrying Y chromosomes apparently swim faster but do not survive as long as their X-carrying counterparts. Becoming pregnant with a male baby is slightly more likely if you have sex at the precise time of ovulation (how to increase chances of conceiving a boy). By having intercourse a few days earlier than the specific time of ovulation the majority of the male spermatozoa will die out. Once you know you are about to ovulate be sure to have intercourse at least 12-24 hours before ovulation. If you have sex during your pre-ovulation phase make sure that you utilize a condom to lessen the risk of female spermatozoa having the upper hand and you becoming impregnated with a girl. This low-tech method is noninvasive and it is very affordable to find an ovulation predictor kit or to check your basal body temperature daily. Dr. Landrum Shettles claimed a 75% to 90% success rate for this at-home method.
Your diet either increases the pH level of your body or reduces it. A high pH level enables conceiving a baby girl while a low pH level enables for a boy. A high pH level creates a hostile environment in the vagina for the Y chromosome carrying sperm. For giving birth to a boy an alkaline rich diet is a must as it decreases your pH level. Alkaline rich food tilts the pH level of the cervical fluid making it less acidic (how to make a boy baby). If your cervical fluid is alkaline it is more conducive for transmitting the Y chromosomes which are required to make a baby boy. One way to lower the pH of your cervical fluid is to go on a special diet that restricts how many acidic foods you consume. In the months leading up to conception try to avoid eating foods that are pickled or contain vinegar. Eat as many alkaline foods as you can such as leafy green vegetables and raisins. The lists of alkaline and acidic foods are long and you can find a food list easily to help you come up with a daily diet.
There are many foods that must be avoided because they make your cervical mucus sticky and unfriendly to sperm. An increased intake of dairy products like cheese and yogurt that are acidic in nature will not encourage male embryo formation. Although most fruits are good for trying to get pregnant with a boy baby blueberries should be avoided. Meats such as bologna and sausage should not be consumed because they contain many damaging nitrates. Try not to eat foods that can make it more difficult to conceive such as foods that change your estrogen level (ways to conceive a male). Phytoestrogens such as soy products should not be eaten as they can offset your regular and healthy egg release. Foods that contain high levels of sugar can also negatively skew your reproductive hormones. Foods that contain excess high fructose corn syrup include most processed food stuffs. Fish like swordfish and tuna often contain a lot of mercury which can be harmful when you are trying to conceive. Fish like swordfish and tuna often contain a lot of mercury which can be harmful when you are trying to conceive.

Your diet either increases the pH level of your body or reduces it. A high pH level enables conceiving a baby girl while a low pH level enables for a boy. A high pH level creates a hostile environment in the vagina for the Y chromosome carrying sperm. For giving birth to a boy an alkaline rich diet is a must as it decreases your pH level. Alkaline rich food tilts the pH level of the cervical fluid making it less acidic (how to make a boy baby). If your cervical fluid is alkaline it is more conducive for transmitting the Y chromosomes which are required to make a baby boy. One way to lower the pH of your cervical fluid is to go on a special diet that restricts how many acidic foods you consume. In the months leading up to conception try to avoid eating foods that are pickled or contain vinegar. Eat as many alkaline foods as you can such as leafy green vegetables and raisins. The lists of alkaline and acidic foods are long and you can find a food list easily to help you come up with a daily diet.
There are many foods that must be avoided because they make your cervical mucus sticky and unfriendly to sperm. An increased intake of dairy products like cheese and yogurt that are acidic in nature will not encourage male embryo formation. Although most fruits are good for trying to get pregnant with a boy baby blueberries should be avoided. Meats such as bologna and sausage should not be consumed because they contain many damaging nitrates. Try not to eat foods that can make it more difficult to conceive such as foods that change your estrogen level (ways to conceive a male). Phytoestrogens such as soy products should not be eaten as they can offset your regular and healthy egg release. Foods that contain high levels of sugar can also negatively skew your reproductive hormones. Foods that contain excess high fructose corn syrup include most processed food stuffs. Fish like swordfish and tuna often contain a lot of mercury which can be harmful when you are trying to conceive. Fish like swordfish and tuna often contain a lot of mercury which can be harmful when you are trying to conceive.